Notes by Denomination

ValueNotes% of all notes Total value
note5 54327054,3
216350 EUR
note10 101653220,7
165320 EUR
note20 201159014,5
231800 EUR
note50 5078249,8
391200 EUR
note100 1004060,5
40600 EUR
note200 200580,1 11600 EUR
note500 50080,0 4000 EUR

First notes by denomination
7. note was the first note5 note (entered in Rotterdam Netherlands 27.02.2006)
1. note was the first note10 note (entered in Den Haag Netherlands 30.07.2002)
2. note was the first note20 note (entered in Rotterdam Netherlands 27.02.2006)
11. note was the first note50 note (entered in Rotterdam Netherlands 28.02.2006)
814. note was the first note100 note (entered in Den haag Netherlands 27.07.2006)
1445. note was the first note200 note (entered in Den Haag Netherlands 25.10.2006)
817. note was the first note500 note (entered in Den haag Netherlands 27.07.2006)

Generated 2010-10-06 14:02:07 (by NIG version 1.82)