TriviaModerated hits: 11,6 % (127/1091*100) of all hit notesPercentage of different hit partners: 39,8 % (384/964*100) Sum of hit days: 250205 Sum of hit kilometres: 146534 Average travel speed of hit notes: 0,59 kilometres/day Combination Bingo Result: 37/40
Denomination is not taken into account. Some suspicious combinations might be missed. Based on aplfi's list. Trichet Bingo
Note entering dates bingo Blue = 1-50 notes, green = 51-100 notes, yellow = 101-500 notes, red = 501-1000 notes, grey = more than 1000 notes. Bingo! (26.08.2009) Hit dates bingo Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Reversed hit dates bingo (hits by entering date) Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Mini Bingo 4x4 Days in increments of 50, kilometres in increments of 50. Max days: 200, max kilometres: 200. Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Orange = only total kilometres and days of a multiple hit in this category. 0-0 hits not included.
Standard Bingo 8x8 Days in increments of 50, kilometres in increments of 50. Max days: 400, max kilometres: 400. Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Orange = only total kilometres and days of a multiple hit in this category. 0-0 hits not included.
Bingo 10x10 Days in increments of 50, kilometres in increments of 50. Max days: 500, max kilometres: 500. Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Orange = only total kilometres and days of a multiple hit in this category. 0-0 hits not included.
Bobtail's Special 20x20 Days in increments of 20, kilometres in increments of 20. Max days: 400, max kilometres: 400. Blue = one hit, green = two hits, yellow = 3-5 hits, red = 6-10 hits, grey = more than 10 hits. Orange = only total kilometres and days of a multiple hit in this category. 0-0 hits not included.
Generated 2010-10-06 14:04:39 (by NIG version 1.82) |